Los pueblos indígenas son los mejores guardianes de los bosques. Allá donde gozan de amplios derechos, los bosques permanecen intactos y se protege la biodiversidad. Actualmente, estamos viviendo oficialmente la sexta extinción masiva. Según un estudio publicado por el Banco Mundial en 2016, los pueblos indígenas constituyen el 5% de la población mundial, pero salvaguardan […]
La defensa de las culturas, los idiomas, los territorios, es una de las características de la comunicación y el cine indígena, así lo afirmamos quienes hemos venido trabajando desde diversos espacios nuestro derecho a contar nuestras historias y a través de ellas relacionarnos con otros pueblos y luchas. La capacidad para construir otros sentidos de […]
The Sungai Utik community in West Kalimantan and their protection of their customary land is emblematic. Young local Dayak filmmaker, Kynan Tegar, traces their story.
La comunidad nativa de Caimito, ubicada en la región Ucayali, se resiste a la implementación del Área de Conservación Regional Imiría (ACR Imiría), lo cual perjudica al territorio indígena y a su conservación. Visita la nota en su sitio web: http://bit.ly/2dhSlJ8
If Not Us Then Who? highlights the role indigenous and local peoples play in protecting our planet; we work in partnership with communities to make films, take photographs, curate content, commission local artists and host events.

Watch films
Film6:35 mins
Having lived for millennia in the forests of the ‘Amazonian Trapezoid’, today the Amacayacu National Park, indigenous communities there are now treated as an obstacle to conservation. Their rights have been systematically violated since the National Park was created in 1975. In April 2015 the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism signed an agreement to […]
Watch filmcolombiaLand RightsParticipatory-made film -
Film7:22 mins
The indigenous people of Sungai Utik, a Dayak Iban community in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, have maintained a strong traditional connection to their forests despite continuous pressure from logging and palm oil companies intent on taking their land. Their forests remain intact and their traditional values are keeping their community together. If we want to keep […]
Watch filmClimate ChangeIndigenous SolutionsIndonesia -
Film7:49 mins
In a rapidly dwindling community forest the people of Pandumaan & Sipituhuta have put up a strong fight to stop the growth of monoculture eucalyptus plantations. But the aggressive actions of the company & its close alignment with local politicians & the police have led this struggle down a dark path – protests, intimidation, arrests […]
Watch filmActivismIndonesiaParticipatory-made film -
Film6:32 mins
Imagine communities and land-owners being paid by the government to protect their forests & natural resources? Costa Rica is the only tropical country in the world that has reversed the process of deforestation through a unique fuel tax law that impresses the importance of protecting the environment & helping develop communities.
Watch filmCosta RicaIndigenous SolutionsParticipatory-made film -
Film6:04 mins
The community of Lago do Mainá have lived with the forest and the river, nature for them is the most fundamental thing they have. However a military training base and increasing incursions by soldiers created tension between the community and the army. Through the use of social mapping the people of Lago do Mainá have […]
Watch filmBrazilBrazilLand Rights -
Film8:47 mins
Wildfires may grab headlines but indigenous peoples and local communities who depend the Amazon face many different threats. Not only are their territories targeted for illegal extractive activities such as gold mining and deforestation but without clear land titles their situation remains legally precarious. But more than this – indigenous peoples and local communities offer […]
Watch filmConocimiento ancestralPeruPeru -
Film8:42 mins
Update: April 2021 The Dutch National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines announced on April 20, 2021 that they would accept a complaint against Pluspetrol, a multinational oil firm headquartered in an Amsterdam mailbox. The decision gives Indigenous communities in the oil fields of the Peruvian Amazon a path for seeking remediation from Pluspetrol […]
Watch filmActivismUncategorizedUncategorized -
Film5:58 mins
Results of a new scientific study show that indigenous peoples using remote sensing technology can better survey their lands and reduce deforestation by half. Under the community-based forest monitoring program, called Rainforest Alert, indigenous scouts combine satellite imagery with foot patrols to verify evidence and equip community leaders with the information they need to take […]
Watch filmIndigenous SolutionsPeru
Capacity Building
Since 2013 If Not Us Then Who? has been connecting with and amplifying communicators from across the tropical forests regions.
Vibrant Indigenous film production supports
Cultural resilience and resistance
Record ancestral knowledge and raise pride and profile of indigenous communities
Defence of Indigenous territories and rights
Digital storytelling enables injustices and incursions to be denounced to the world and catalyse action against them
Building solidarity
Sharing stories and solutions across greater distances than ever before
Indigenous peoples are guardians of 80% of the world’s biodiversity and strong Indigenous land rights have been recognised as an important climate solution
Emerging Filmakers
Mentee Cohort
Kalfein Maikel Wuisan, o Kale, es un joven indonesio Minahasa del área de Wuwuk, Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia. Además de ser parte del a…G.
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Edivan Guajajara is from the Zutiwa village, located in Arariboia Indigenous Land (Maranhão, Brazil) and one of the creators of the c…
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Tirza Yanira Ixmucané Saloj Oroxom, Maya k’iche, nacida en Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. Ilustradora, Muralista, artista plástica y re…
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Noveni pertenece al pueblo indígena Dayak Bahau de Borneo Oriental (Indonesia). Desde 2017, se ha dedicado a defender los derechos de …u.
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Jimmy Piaguaje es un cineasta indígena. Nació en la comunidad Siekoya Remolino. Le encanta afrontar nuevos retos, nuevos lugares y pe…s.
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Welder Ramirez, 28 años, tiene nacionalidad Guatemalteca, con residencia en una comunidad que se llama Cruce a La Colorada, en la cual…
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Nelson Danilo Flores Guzmán nació en Melchor de Mencos del departamento de Peten y vive en la Cooperativa Integral Agropecuaria Técn…
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Nazario Tiul Choc es de la comunidad conocida como Cooperativa Unión Maya Itzá (comunidad repatriada de México a Guatemala en el añ…
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Jose Hernandez Zapata nació en el año 1994, en la comunidad de Carmelita, San Andrés, Peten, Guatemala que se encuentra ubicada dent…
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Yumi Ortiz (también conocido como Lyudmila Vallarino) es originaria de la comarca de Guna Yala, de la costa del caribe de Panamá. En …
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Alcibiades Rodriguez es facilitador, fotógrafo y cineasta aficionado que cuenta historias en temas ambientales. Es miembro de la ONG i…
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Yarixa Torres es originaria de la Comarca Guna Yala, en la costa caribeña de Panamá. Nació y creció en Panamá y actualmente estudi…
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Yaily Castillo es originaria de la Comarca Guna Yala, Panamá, licenciada en Saneamiento y Ambiente y egresada de la Universidad Tecnol…
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Kuyu Saul Lopez es realizador audiovisual en Kuyujani Produccion Audiovisual. Licenciado en Comunicación Social, con especialidad Audi…a.
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Carlos Enqueri es documentalista y vive en la comunidad Waorani ‘Titepare’ en la Amazonía Ecuatoriana. Para ello, se dedic…
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Cineasta emergente, perteneciente al pueblo Garifuna, con formacion en temas de Derechos de los Pueblos indigenas y negros de Honduras,…
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Elizabeth Swanson Andi is a member of the Santu Urku Kichwa community on the Napo River in the Ecuadorian Amazon. She is an indigenous …
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Ribaldo is a young Siekopai photographer and filmmaker. He lives in the Ecuadorion Amazon and is a member of the NGO Alianza Ceibo, an …
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Luciane Saw Munduruku, more known among her friends and relatives as Beka Munduruku, is 18 years old and lives in Sawre Muybu villag…e.
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Kokoyamaratxi Renan Suya is a photographer, filmmaker and motion graphic maker from the Kisedjê people (Mato Grosso, Brazil). In 2008…
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The journalist and communicator Erisvan Bone Guajajara is founder of the digital platform Mídia Índia. He was born in Lagoa Quieta vi…
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With this dialogue of knowledge, we hope to continue honouring our ancestors by practising the gift of storytelling, rethinking and strengthening our own identity
David Hernández Palmar | Wayuu IIPUANA
If Not Us Then Who? works with Indigenous networks and NGOs to deliver strategic communications and capacity building.
Youth Made Films
Film6:28 mins
Sickness regularly struck a family in the Dayak Iban community of Sungai Utik in West Kalimantan. After speaking to the local shaman the community made ‘bedara’ an offering and pardoning ritual to divert the spirit path that ran beneath the family’s house that was making them sick. Apai Gajah talks us through the different steps […]
Watch filmConocimiento ancestralCultureIndigenous Made Film -
Film13:42 minsBrazilBrazilIndigenous Made Film
Film10:09 mins
For centuries, the Sapara people of the Ecuadorian Amazon made their clothes from the resistant and natural fabric that the forest grows for them. As people have become more used to commercial clothing, this tradition has been increasingly neglected. By stripping the bark from the tree and beating it to soften the fibres, they tame […]
Watch filmCultureEcuadorEthical Consumption -
Film10:55 mins
Young indigenous leaders are mobilising, from Guatemala to Brazil. Youth members of the AMPB and COICA travelled to the village of Itapicuru of the Xakriaba people for a cultural exchange. They share stories and struggles, from religion to water, education to culture identifying similar themes despite the distance in geography.
Watch filmActivismBrazilBrazil -
Film5:34 mins
Less and less Embera youth are using their native language. Embera language is crucial to their identity. Embera elders ask “Who are you if you do not speak Embera?’ Film by Norlando Meza, Genesis Barsallo and Christina Mezua Produced during the youth training workshop in Panama August 2018
Watch filmCultureIndigenous Made FilmPanama