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Nixon Andy


Nixon Danny Andy Narvaez was born in the A’i Kofan community of Sinangoe, a sacred and ancestral territory located in the Ecuadorian Amazon where he lives surrounded by nature; where the majestic Aguarico River is born. He is a communicator, filmmaker and member of the organisation Alianza Ceibo. His community motivated him to go for training in a process of formation of community communicators in the field of photography and video. Thus, he has dedicated himself to documenting all the actions that are part of his community’s struggle for the defence of their territories. Through photography and video he tries to show the world what his community is going through and the measures they are taking against the government’s desire to extract resources from their lands. For Nixon, all this material is primarily for his community, it is a constant record to motivate his companions and his people to defend the territory; and it is also a memory to leave for the next generations.