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Activity planned for Earth Week, New York, April 2016

We understand things are moving very quickly so we have created this page to keep our partners updated on the various pieces.

Scroll down for social media, imagery for us and location information.

Working Schedule

Indigenous partners and friends are invited to the following activities

Social Media will be live by 12:00 EST – Tuesday 19th April – providing supporting information, links to films, websites, images and public facing event information. May include password protected Press Pack as well.

We are creating a pack with Burness for social media use. This will be ready by 12:00 EST – Tuesday 19th April


Secondary Hashtags


We are producing a range of print and online imagery to be used in April and in May for the UN Perm Forum. Distinct positive and negative imagery and messaging. Web friendly images are below. We encourage you to use them as much as you like during Earth Week and beyond. Simply scroll through and select one, right click and download the image to your computer and go from there.

