The Coordinator of the Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin – COICA is comprised of 9 indigenous organizations of 9 countries that cover the majestic Amazonian jungle, amongst them, Peru (AIDESEP), Ecuador(CONFENIAE), Brazil(COIAB), Colombia(OPIAC), French Guyana (FOAG), Guyana(APA), Surinam(OIS), Bolivia(CIDOB) and Venezuela(ORPIA), organized to position our common efforts for the defence and promotion of the human, territorial, environmental indigenous rights, as well as Full Life in the Amazon in alliance with the natural surroundings to ensure the continuity of the planet and our present and future generations.
We currently inhabit a territorial extension of 240 million hectares of titled forests. Our forests include the most important biotic reservation in the world as well as the biggest amount of living material per superficial unit in the planet, producing approximately 75% of the world’s oxygen.