Khahrãndidji Tapayuna
Khisetje I Brazil
Coletivo Khisetje
Khahrãndidji Tapayuna Suya lives in the village of Khïkatxi, Wawi Indigenous Indigenous Land, in Mato Grosso – Brazil. In 2021, he has participated in the audiovisual workshop GeoStory Camps – Xingu, held by AIK, the Khïsêtjê Indigenous Association in partnership with PPP – PEOPLE ‘S PLANET PROJECT. She is a communicator at the AIK Productions and the Xingu+ Network. She is part of the Khisêdjê Collective at the Emmerging Filmmakers Program and one of the producers of the film “Honã – The Origins of the Khisedjê People”(Honã – A Origem do Povo Khisêdjê).
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