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Rainforest Alert

Les communautés indigènes ont recours à la technologie pour surveiller la déforestation illégale en Amazonie




September 2019



  • Indigenous Solutions
  • Peru
  • Uncategorized
  • Uncategorized

A growing number of Indigenous communities in Central and South America are harnessing the power of high-resolution satellite imagery, sophisticated drone equipment, and the latest smart-phone technology to precisely document and act on threats to their lands such as fires, gold-mining, logging, and deforestation for agriculture.

But it’s not without its risks: community forest monitors have had their lives threatened.

Rainforest Alert explores the groundbreaking research linking community-based monitoring and forest protection from the Eden de la Frontera community in the Peruvian Amazon.

Early results show a “measurable reduction of deforestation”, reinforcing the growing body of evidence that indigenous peoples and local communities are the best guardians of the forest.  Download the study here.

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Project run by Rainforest Foundation US, The Indigenous Organization of the Eastern Peruvian Amazon (ORPIO-AIDESEP) and World Resources Institute.

Photos by Laurence Ellis.

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