Celebrating AMAN's 20th Anniversary
March 17 2019 marks AMAN’s 20th anniversary fighting for land rights, human rights & recognition, protecting forests, celebrating ancestral knowledge and much much more.
Here is a curated selection of films highlighting their work.
The indigenous people of Sungai Utik, a Dayak Iban community in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, have maintained a strong traditional connection to their forests despite continuous pressure from logging and palm oil companies intent on taking their land. Their forests remain intact and their traditional values are keeping their community together. If we want to keep […]
Mentawai people are the native people of the Mentawai Islands in the West Sumatra province of Indonesia. Ocha Mariadi is a shaman. He shares some of his secrets about medicinal plants and explains to us the infinite value of the forest for humankind.
Song written by Dadang in 2015 - two years on it has become the anthem for the movement!
In a rapidly dwindling community forest the people of Pandumaan & Sipituhuta have put up a strong fight to stop the growth of monoculture eucalyptus plantations. But the aggressive actions of the company & its close alignment with local politicians & the police have led this struggle down a dark path – protests, intimidation, arrests […]
Jail is the reward for Momonus and Jamaludin to defend their ancestral lands. For 12 years already these Semunying indigenous territories have been controlled by P.T. In Ledo Lestari. Their dense forest had been turned into a palm oil plantation landscape. Although they have been persecuted and abused in their ancestral land, their fight is […]
Despite their customary land being recognised by the Indonesian Government in 2012, the Seko community have been defending their land against large-scale energy development for the last 3 years. In 2016, 14 community leaders were criminalized, including 1 woman. They were sentenced for at least 7 months. They oppose a large scale hydro-electric power plant, […]
Even a well-managed, recognised forest faces constant challenges but innovative drone GPS technology, cooperative campaigning, local government support and eco-tourism are helping the Setulang people thrive. They have shown that community rights, the environment and development go hand in hand. Setulang boasts clean water, sustainable fishing and hunting, building materials, fruit and traditional medicine, a […]
On the island of Halmahera, North Mollucas, more than 300 mining permits threaten the existence of priceless tropical forests. Illegal logging is also a problem for indigenous people in the village of Forest Tobelo people in Dodaga village. Deeply concerned with the condition of their forests that they struggle to resist.
Indonesia Roadshow - March 2015 - 4 events across 4 islands.
The Fifth Congress of the Indigenous People of the Archipelago (KMAN V) is held in the customary land of the protectors of kampong Tanjung Gusta. 15-19 March 2017. On 15 March today, a pre-congress activity – a symposium – is held to have a dialog, to discuss about indigenous people: their situations, what has been happening between them and the stakeholders, notably the government. Also present are all like-minded friends, who have been fighting to secure for recognition, protection and enjoyment of the rights of indigenous people.
The Fifth Congress of the Indigenous People of the Archipelago (KMAN V) is held in the customary land of the protectors of kampong Tanjung Gusta. 15-19 March 2017. On 15 March today, a pre-congress activity – saresehan – is held to have a dialog, to discuss about indigenous people: their situations, what has been happening between them and the stakeholders, notably the government. Also present are all like-minded friends, who have been fighting to secure for recognition, protection and enjoyment of the rights of indigenous people.
The Fifth Congress of the Indigenous People of the Archipelago (KMAN V) is held in the customary land of the protectors of kampong Tanjung Gusta. 15-19 March 2017. On 16 March 2017, a pre-congress activity – saresehan – is held to have a dialog, to discuss about indigenous people.
The Fifth Congress of the Indigenous People of the Archipelago (KMAN V) is held in the customary land of the protectors of kampong Tanjung Gusta. 15-19 March 2017. On 17 March 2017, opening ceremonial and dialogue with Government of Indonesia. Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya and Presidential Chief of Staff Teten Masduki as representative of GoI.
AMAN members must be present at Congress and together we will envisage the future of the indigenous peoples’ movement. All the supporters are expected to join also and discuss ways forward.The 2017 Congress will be very important. What fundamental movement strategies will follow?