Youth Voice Their Solutions to the Climate Crisis at COP25
February 2020
If something differentiates youth from the 20th century to the 21st century, is that they know how to combine protest with proposal very well.
Young people from the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities and Extinction Rebellion Youth share their solutions to the climate crisis at COP25 in Madrid, December 2019.
Panel moderated by Max Trejo of the International Youth Organization for Latin America.
Mayra Rojas
Mexican Network of Rural Forest Organizations (RedMOCAF)
Héctor Fabio
Yucuna Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon (OPIAC)
Dominique Palmer
Extinction Rebellion Youth & UK Student Climate Network
Jeffry Torres
Bri Bri-Cabecar Indigenous Network, Costa Rica
Militza Flaco
Emberá and Wounaan Youth Organization of Panama (OJEWP)
The Climate Crisis is here and “change is coming whether you like it or not” Across 2 days more than 7 million people around the world took to the streets to demand action on the climate crisis. The largest climate action in history. In the lead up, indigenous youth from the Guardians of the Forest […]
What does body painting mean to the Embera culture? One finds identity through this ancestral custom. “When I use painting, it’s like being my real self…I realise that I’m a real Emberá. My identity appears.” Film edited by Jose Hernandez; filmed by Truman Granwell, Elio Barrigon and Jose Hernandez. Produced during the youth training workshop […]
Dance is integral to the indigenous Embera culture of Panama. So is the body painting. Migdalys Cunampio works to maintain the spirit of these traditions, so the young women do not lose their identity. She is instilling a pride in their customs to rescue their culture; “Always show you’re Embera.” Film by Olo Villalaz, Mara […]
Young indigenous leaders are mobilising, from Guatemala to Brazil. Youth members of the AMPB and COICA travelled to the village of Itapicuru of the Xakriaba people for a cultural exchange. They share stories and struggles, from religion to water, education to culture identifying similar themes despite the distance in geography.
Less and less Embera youth are using their native language. Embera language is crucial to their identity. Embera elders ask “Who are you if you do not speak Embera?’ Film by Norlando Meza, Genesis Barsallo and Christina Mezua Produced during the youth training workshop in Panama August 2018
Climate Youth and Indigenous Activist Leo Cerda is launching a series to showcase his story and other youth activists making a difference in their local communities. This is the trailer. International media mainly covered stories and centered anglo youth climate activists without portraying or giving limited voice to people of color who have been leading […]
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