Droits fonciers et biodiversité
- Honduras
- Indigenous Solutions
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On the 12th September 2013 the Honduran government granted almost 7% of its territory to the indigenous Miskito people who have lived traditionally on this land for centuries. We follow the leadership of the indigenous organisation, MASTA, as they speak to their elders and explore solutions to better govern their land.
MASTA (Moskitia Asla Takanka – « Unité de la Moskitia ») a été fondée le 16 juin 1076 au sein de la communauté des Awá, du ...
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President of MASTA, Norvin is in charge of the indigenous organisation at a vital time during its history. After years of marginalisati...e.
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The Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests (AMPB) is an organisation facilitating the coordination and exchange of territorial a...
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Formed in 2006, by Paul Redman (director & camera) and Tim Lewis (producer & sound), Handcrafted Films have worked in many diff...y.
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Director – Project Manager
Paul Redman’s documentary filmmaker. Recognized internationally, his work has been rewarded many...
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En tant que producteur, ingénieur du son, monteur, photographe ou écrivain, Tim Lewis a produit plusieurs documentaires po...
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Joel Redman est photographe. Son travail est exposé et récompensé internationalement. Joel a été publié dans The Guar...
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Imagine communities and land-owners being paid by the government to protect their forests & natural resources? Costa Rica is the only tropical country in the world that has reversed the process of deforestation through a unique fuel tax law that impresses the importance of protecting the environment & helping develop communities.
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Costa RicaIndigenous SolutionsUncategorized