Indigenous Youth Movement
The future of the world’s forests depend on youth, especially youth from indigenous communities.
Introducing you to some of the indigenous youth from South and Meso America. From March 2017 we have been adding youth from Indonesia.

The Climate Crisis is here and “change is coming whether you like it or not” Across 2 days more than 7 million people around the world took to the streets to demand action on the climate crisis. The largest climate action in history. In the lead up, indigenous youth from the Guardians of the Forest […]

A powerful film by Ivan Jaripio, Embera indigenous filmmaker from Panama. In this short creative film he contrasts indigenous traditions with the contemporary world of Panama. Faced with the territorial and cultural threat of modernization, the resistance of the indigenous peoples to defend their traditions is urgent.

Wildfires may grab headlines but indigenous peoples and local communities who depend the Amazon face many different threats. Not only are their territories targeted for illegal extractive activities such as gold mining and deforestation but without clear land titles their situation remains legally precarious. But more than this – indigenous peoples and local communities offer […]

The future of the world’s forests depend on youth, especially youth from indigenous communities. Introducing you to 7 indigenous youth from South and Meso America: Yuam Pravia, Larry Salomon, Mara Barrigon, Mark Rivas, Dina Júc, Carlos Doviaza and Diana Rios. Hear them say in their mother tongue, If Not Us Then Who?

Fernando Manurung adalah seorang pemuda yang berasal dari masyarakat Tano Batak, Toba Samosir dan merupakan salah satu anggota Barisan Pemuda Adat Nusantara (BPAN) yang mendapatkan pelatihan menulis untuk peningkatan kapasitas diri.

Nedine Helena Sulu, indigenous youth from Tombulu Pineleng, Minahasa. She is one of the initiators of the campaign to reject the formal education system that puts aside traditional culture.

Ivan Jaripio is an Embera filmmaker who has won awards with his short films exploring Embera identity and the stories of his community Piriati in the south of Panama. He is part of the Embera youth cultural collective Dji Ta Wagadi who are working to reclaim their culture through filmmaking, storytelling, painting, language, music and dance.In this video Ivan speaks from the UN Biodiversity Conference, COP13 in Cancun, Mexico.

Susana Dominguez is an Hñahñu (Otomí) graduate of language and cultura from San Cristobal, Michoacán, Mexico. In this video she speaks from the UN Biodiversity Conference in Cancún about the experience of meeting other young indigenous leaders and filmmakers, and being inspired to make films herself.

Yuam Pravia, Miskitu youth leader and representative of Masta Miskitu, speaks at the UN Biodiversity Conference COP13 about the importance that indigenous peoples stand united.

Larry Salomon is a Mayangna youth leader from Nicaragua. In this video he talks about the challenges that young people face to take on their ancestors’ legacy and ensure that economic development in their communities remains true to their cultural identity.

Dina Júc is a youth leader from the Utz Che‘ Association in Guatemala. In this video she asks the Guatemalan authorities to respect the equilibrium that their communities have with their forests and to respect their rights as indigenous people.

Mara Barrigon is a jagua painter (traditional Embera body paint) and part of the Embera cultural collective Dji Ta Wagadi, which is working to reclaim their culture through filmmaking, storytelling, painting, language, music and dance. In this video Mara speaks about her experience in the UN Biodiversity Conference COP13 in Cancun, Mexico.

Diana Rios is an Ashaninka youth leader from Alto-Tamaya Saweto in the central Peruvian rainforest. In this video she speaks about the urgency of acting now while we still have forests.

Specialist in community forest monitoring, Carlos works for the strengthening of indigenous rights in the context of REDD+ in Panama for COONAPIP (National Coordinating Body of Indigenous Peoples in Panama).